
lundi 8 juin 2020


4 salmon filets, skin off (or Trout or any white fish) 

Salt and pepper, to season 

2 teaspoons olive oil 

2 tablespoons spread 

6 cloves garlic, finely diced 

1 little yellow onion, diced 

1/3 cup dry white wine (OPTIONAL) - (don't utilize a sweet white wine) 

5 ounces (150 g) jostled sun dried tomato strips in oil, depleted of oil 

1 3/4 cups cream *SEE NOTES 

Salt and pepper, to taste 

3 cups child spinach leaves 

1/2 cup new ground Parmesan cheddar, (do exclude for dairy free alternative) 

1 teaspoon cornstarch (cornflour) blended in with 1 tablespoons of water (optional)** 

1 tablespoon new parsley hacked 


Warmth the oil in a huge skillet over medium-high warmth. Season the salmon filets (or fish if utilizing) on the two sides with salt and pepper, and burn in the hot skillet, substance side down first, for 5 minutes on each side, or until cooked just as you would prefer. When cooked, expel from the skillet and put in a safe spot. 

Soften the spread in the rest of the juices extra in the dish. Include the garlic and fry until fragrant (around one moment). Fry the onion in the spread. Pour in the white wine (if utilizing), and permit to diminish down marginally. Include the sun dried tomatoes and fry for 1-2 minutes to discharge their flavors. 

Lessen warmth to low warmth, include the creamer (or substantial cream), and bring to a delicate stew, while blending every so often. Season with salt and pepper as you would prefer. 

Include the spinach leaves and permit to shrink in the sauce, and include the parmesan cheddar. Permit sauce to stew for a further moment until cheddar dissolves through the sauce. (For a thicker sauce, include the milk/cornstarch blend to the focal point of the container, and keep on stewing while rapidly mixing the blend through until the sauce thickens.) 

Include the salmon go into the container; sprinkle with the parsley, and spoon the sauce over each filet. 

Serve over pasta, rice or steamed veg. 


*Half and half is an American item, produced using a balance of light cream and milk. Don't hesitate to utilize half light cream and half 2% milk (or full fat if not stressed over calories and fat checks), instead of creamer. 

On the other hand, utilize all light cream or substantial cream. 

Not a customary Tuscan formula. Adjusted from Olive Garden's Tuscan Chicken. 


Calories: 582kcal | Carbohydrates: 29g | Protein: 48g | Fat: 28g | Saturated Fat: 11g | Cholesterol: 136mg | Sodium: 476mg | Potassium: 2260mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 18g | Vitamin A: 2960IU | Vitamin C: 27.5mg | Calcium: 235mg | Iron: 5.6mg

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